
I think I'd like to go to Detroit. It gets a bad reputation sometimes, but the urban decay and rumored crime rates don't change the feeling I have that it's going to come back. I want to see the before and after, to tell my kids that I was there.
Detroit will rise again! And it will be awesome. I bet it's happening right now. Investors with money and young people with not-so-much money but an interest in city living will take over and the whole thing will be a bustling metropolis again in no time. Maybe it'll be a hipster mecca like Brooklyn. (Brooklyn wasn't the cool borough 20 years ago, right?) I'm sure a group of pretentious douches could find lots of irony in the economic failure of the motor city. Actually, no hipsters please.
And no more race riots, if possible. We can leave those behind in the 20th century.

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