The Badass Playlist: Ring The Alarm

Despite being ambivalent towards relationships in general, I sincerely hope that if a man of mine were cheating, I would go THIS CRAZY:

Even when I'm terrified of Beyonce she is still my top lady-crush.


  1. This video has always been a favorite of mine, i think that if Jay-Z ever did anything behind her back he would just spontaneously burst into flame at one accusing look from her, such is the sheer power of her crazy fierceness. If we know anything we know that you don't fuck with Beyonce, i think it was Martin Luther King Jr. who said that.

  2. also i think we need to incorporate a lot more hair flipping into our day to day like, and possibly invest in a wind machine.

  3. Martin Luther King was a wise man. A man of that calibre would know how to handle Beyonce.

    You'd think all the hair-flipping would be hard on the neck/weave, but I'm all for trying!

  4. Maybe I'm wrong, but every time I hear this is sounds more and more to me like Beyonce is contemplating murder.
