But even I know this is the best thing ever.

The best part: "HUUH!"


Sorry guys, I just realized I can allow people to post comments without accounts. I've changed it to that, but it may be closing the barn door after the horses have left.

The Badass Playlist: Whipping Post

Since this summer, I've been having a southern rock phase.
Actually, that shot needs to be capitalized.
SOUTHERN ROCK.  Specifically the anthem-like ones.

As shameful as it may be to admit, I wasn't really all that familiar with The Allman Brothers Band until earlier this year. I downloaded a list of Rolling Stone's 500 best songs of all time or whatever, and when this song cropped up and I heard it for the first time... holy fucking hell.
It was everything a first love is supposed to be. Fireworks, goosebumps, the works. I pretty much passed out. That moment will forever be branded on my memory. (The last time I got so excited by a song on the first listen was Voodoo Chile. The long, crazy-amazing bluesy one. )

The vocals, the guitar, the organ, every single element of this song works for me. It puts me in a smoky dive bar, surrounded by beardy dudes in plaid who are not hipsters. It reminds me of cold beer and hot summer and the best possible kind of heartbreak.

I must accumulate all the available music by this band just to pay respect to the creators of this song.

Is that overstating things, perhaps?

Mysterious disembodied legs.

Every time I walk to work, I pass a house whose occupants seem to constantly be changing. It's kind of sketchy, as rental properties tend to be. The grass is always kind of too long, and their leaves are never raked, sidewalk shoveled only occasionally (depending on who lives there at the time!) and it seems to contain an endless supply of 30 year old dudes in their underwear. Not in the good way.

With this image in mind, could you blame me for having a tiny heart attack every time I walk past a pickup truck and see a pair of legs with no torso attached lying in the back?!!
No. Of course you couldn't. Disembodied legs are terrifying even before one factors in the unkempt-leaves situation.

Before you get all concerned about my ghetto neighborhood and call the police (I considered it), I should explain that these legs are not, in fact, made of flesh and bone. Some dude who lives in the sketchy house seems to pour concrete for a living or something and one day he decided to step out of his boots and concrete-encrusted overalls and leave them, holding the shape of his legs, in the back of his pickup.

I have a strong suspicion he watches me from his house to see if I jump every time.
I do.

Everything is Illuminated

Stemming from my love of Eugene Hutz, lead in Gogol Bordello, is a curiosity regarding everything he's produced. It turns out he's in a movie version of Everything is Illuminated, which led me to read it.

It's a good book, but I can't really put a finger on how I feel about it overall. Reviews of it talk about how the author is a new, fresh form of genius on the literary scene and blah blah da da da, but one can never be sure what that actually means. I always feel like being a book critic would be a matter of creating soundbites memorable and catchy enough to go on book covers, which would probably not be too hard.

The protagonist/writer is meant to be an interpretation of the author-Jonathan, with the skeleton of the story being a basic recreation of his own family-learning journey. To me, though, the real main character is Alex, his amateur translator. The novel's setup includes chapters of the main character's book, with some chapters written by Jonathan, some by Alex, and some chapters are composed of letters written to Jonathan from Alex after their adventures.
Chapters written by character-Jonathan don't interest me nearly as much as those written by Alex; they  just seem to go on and on (although in a beautifully-phrased way) about character-Jonathan's ancestors, for whom  I felt little to no affection. The stories include events which should be extremely personal, but the characters within them feel unsympathetic and a wee bit sociopathic at times. Maybe it's on purpose or maybe it's just me, but character-Jonathan's writing just doesn't grab me like the voice the author gave to Alex. 
One of the passages written by Jonathan was really memorable to me, though, and I've re-typed it here:

Brod's life was a slow realization that the world was not for her, and that for whatever reason, she would never be happy and honest at the same time. She felt as if she were brimming, always producing and hoarding more love inside her. But there was no release. Table, ivory elephant charm, rainbow, onion, hairdo, mollusk, Shabbos, violence, cuticle, melodrama, ditch, honey, doily... None of it moved her. She addressed her world honestly, searching for something deserving of the volumes of love she knew she had within her, but to each she would have to say, I don't love you. Bark-brown fence post: I don't love you. Poem too long: I don't love you. Lunch in a bowl:I don't love you. Physics, the idea of you, the laws of you: I don't love you. Nothing felt like anything more than what it actually was. Everything was just a thing, mired completely in its thingness.

I like this description of Brod's mindset, but I was disappointed in the way she can't seem to develop past it before I lose interest in her. (Again, this might be the point but it's not to my taste right now.) It could be that I lacked the inclination to really look into ancestor-based characters. I am quite lazy

But Alex! I love everything about Alex. From his thesaurus marred/enhanced English to his love of his family to his somewhat-altered accounts of their journey, he is easily the most likable character, and certainly more emotionally available. He adds levity to a lot of the book, but when he gets serious it doesn't feel forced to me.
Also, he is Eugene Hutz in the movie. =D

If you read it, tell me what you think.

Lisa's comment.

I found it! It was marked as spam because it was so long, but being the all-powerful blogger I am, I just marked it as "not spam" and then proceeded to hum about spam spam eggs and spam.

The Badass Playlist: American Wedding

Nobody can understand the pure orgasmic qualities of Eugene Hutz's being (and Gogol Bordello generally) without witnessing his music in some way.
Yes, his mustache causes women to pass out in the street and wake up pregnant whenever he walks by, and his eyes are impossibly blue and gorgeous... And his nose is super manly... and.. um.. why is he such a sexy bastard?... makes no sense... hmm...
What were we talking about?

This guy is insane. Everyone in his band is insane. In the best. possible. way. Holy crap. My respectometer is OFF THE FUCKING GRID WITH THESE PEOPLE. They are representing European immigrants like no other, and it's awesome. I take great pride in being Canadian, but holy shit do these people make me want to be from Ukraine. The energy thrown around by Gogol Bordello could probably replace all need for any other sustenance. I WILL SEE THEM LIVE IF IT IS THE LAST THING I DO IN THIS LIFE.

And I think he bleeds vodka. Little bit.

The Badass Playlist: El Scorcho

Wikipedia says Rivers Cuomo used to hate this album. Bro is way too hard on himself, though, because after a few listens I think Pinkerton is my favourite Weezer album. It seems to be pretty much autobiographical (which would explain the hate for it), with a bunch of nerd-anthems. 
I mean.. I can see why they'd want to move past where they were at the time of this album, but it's full of some of their most relatable songs! You should just download the album, but if you want my picks they are: El Scorcho, Tired of Sex, Falling For You, and Pink Triangle. 

Full disclosure: I'm kind of in a Weezer phase, so you might get a few of these posts devoted to Weezer songs over the next few days/weeks.

Now I know Weezer is Rivers' band, but can we just discuss how freaking rad the rest of the band is?! While Rivers over there is trying to facially recreate his feelings of romantic failure and hopelessness, guitar guy is ROCKING THE FUCK OUT, 24/7. THAT MAN HAS NO TIME FOR ANGST, HE'S TOO BUSY ROCKING. HE WILL DANCE ALONE IF NEED BE.

Note: Lisa, Pinkerton is named after a character in Madame Butterfly, I think. According to Wikipedia. Does that make any sense?

Leave comments.

Do it.
I want feedback. At all times.
Put something in the little box, talk to me, tell me how you're feeling about my brain-spewing! As much as I love the sound of my own voice/tone of my own writing, I also like outside opinions!


I know people aren't supposed to think this, but being unproductive is kind of amazing. I'm underemployed with minimal responsibility and I never want it to end!
Today, for instance, I had time to ponder for several uninterrupted minutes whether or not attractive man in the grocery store had smiled at me. Following that, I pondered whether or not I would want to pursue that, were I
a)his age and
b)certain that he had smiled at me, but then I wondered if 30 year old me would want to date someone grocery shopping at 2:30pm. No conclusion was reached. Daytime grocery shopping will have to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Eventually I will get bored of this intensely lazy way of life, but in future years I'll probably miss it.
At this point I must sign off, as I am scheduled to work. For one hour.
Fuck yeah, unproductivity.


Lisa, your dad can suck it. Marvin is legendary. I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.
OBVIOUSLY he was not the only crazy amazing artist of the era, but he was BY NO MEANS a creator of bad music.  In a special edition of The Badass Playlist, I have compiled evidence to this effect.

First, I give you his ode to social change.

You can probably find a million better recordings of him singing this song, but I picked this one based on his tasteful, understated shirt (jumpsuit?) and sailor touque. Look at that pillar of sexiness and tell me you can resist him.

My second defense of Marvin:

Classic, classic, classic. Your lady is running around on you? This is the song you play. The perfect mix of soulful vocals and accusing backup singers.
My grandma loved this song, my mom loves this song, and I love this song. Motown is in our white, English/German/Chinese/Irish/whatever the fuck else blood.


What more can I say?
"Anyone who doesn't love Marvin may be a soulless automaton", I guess, but otherwise I'm speechless

The Badass Playlist: Wrecking Ball

It was hard to narrow down which song(s) from Mother MotherI wanted on The Badass Playlist but I settled on this one.

There's something about his voice that I'm just in love with. Also, I feel like this could only be a Canadian band. During my totally scientific and unbiased studies I developed a sense that Canadian artists are the best when it comes to really visual songs, Mother Mother being no exception. We like our natural imagery and nature-based metaphors.
But maybe that's just me.

Time travel. Make it happen.

If I could be seventeen in 1999, I'd see Blink 182 weekly.
Just sayin'. It was a good year for them.

The Badass Playlist: Obsessed With You

I stumbled upon this video one time, and watched it 7 times in a row. Yes, I had time to kill, but the multiple viewings are indicative of the song's crazy catchiness, not my boredom!!
It's the sweetest little pop song I've ever heard,with a few sort of creepily adorable band members (the tambourine girl!). It gets stuck in my head LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER, which makes me feel kind of crazy, singing a song about obsession over and over and over...

ps. I listened to it like 4 times while writing this.

The Badass Playlist: Move On Up


This is one of the many songs I picked to be on Lisa's going-to-college playlist, because it's about being badass and successful. It seems like a song anyone starting anything challenging and awesome should listen to, loud and often. 
And the album cover. Oh my God. I want to be that man. His outfit is a fiesta of pastel and what seems to be paisley. Like an Easter egg funk hunt. <3

I'm a tool.

I am most certainly the most woefully forgetful person ever. 
"Surely not!" you cry. "Of course there are more forgetful people, Anna!" you proclaim.
No, reader. You are incorrect. I am indeed the most forgetful.
You see, a dear friend of mine has decided that the best place to expand her knowledge is without a doubt Newfoundland. (Do not ask me why. I'm sure she has reasons.) With her relocation in mind, I set about creating the perfect goodbye gift. Or, rather, the perfect goodbye-until-Christmas gift. I put together what I considered to be among the most badass playlists to ever be compiled. Included were songs we'd listened to together, danced to in my car, talked about at length, learned the words to, done stupid things to, favourites of mine, and songs I figured she'd like. 
"But, Anna.." you wonder, "How could anyone call that a toolish act? And how does it make you forgetful?"
Well, dear reader...(sigh).. I forgot to give it to her. An act both toolish and forgetful.
Now you know. 
I am ashamed. 

I have two ideas to make this mistake up to my friend. I can either put this playlist onto a bunch of disks and send them to her via mail, or I can post one of the...180 songs here on this blog thing every day or so until she's heard them all.  Or maybe both. Thoughts? Please share them.

Happy belated birthday, Keanu!

I missed Keanu's birthday, but bro turned 46 this week! Now that you know that, Google pictures of him.
...Did you?
And did you notice HOW HE NEVER FREAKING AGES?!
I was going to put a picture in here and say something about how he's still Johnny Utah to me, but HE IS ACTUALLY STILL JOHNNY UTAH. With more hair, but still!
I wouldn't be surprised if he were a serious-looking cyborg who travels through time. I mean, smiling is clearly an effort for this man, but it never occurred to me that he had to learn human emotions by observation and is probably still a novice at facial expressions!
Despite his mopiness, I have genuine affection for Keanu. He seems like a sweet guy with normal-looking teeth (not bleach-bright veneers) and some amount of acting talent. It would be nice if he made a good movie involving him smiling.

Keanu... smiling, maybe?