I'm a tool.

I am most certainly the most woefully forgetful person ever. 
"Surely not!" you cry. "Of course there are more forgetful people, Anna!" you proclaim.
No, reader. You are incorrect. I am indeed the most forgetful.
You see, a dear friend of mine has decided that the best place to expand her knowledge is without a doubt Newfoundland. (Do not ask me why. I'm sure she has reasons.) With her relocation in mind, I set about creating the perfect goodbye gift. Or, rather, the perfect goodbye-until-Christmas gift. I put together what I considered to be among the most badass playlists to ever be compiled. Included were songs we'd listened to together, danced to in my car, talked about at length, learned the words to, done stupid things to, favourites of mine, and songs I figured she'd like. 
"But, Anna.." you wonder, "How could anyone call that a toolish act? And how does it make you forgetful?"
Well, dear reader...(sigh).. I forgot to give it to her. An act both toolish and forgetful.
Now you know. 
I am ashamed. 

I have two ideas to make this mistake up to my friend. I can either put this playlist onto a bunch of disks and send them to her via mail, or I can post one of the...180 songs here on this blog thing every day or so until she's heard them all.  Or maybe both. Thoughts? Please share them.

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