
I know people aren't supposed to think this, but being unproductive is kind of amazing. I'm underemployed with minimal responsibility and I never want it to end!
Today, for instance, I had time to ponder for several uninterrupted minutes whether or not attractive man in the grocery store had smiled at me. Following that, I pondered whether or not I would want to pursue that, were I
a)his age and
b)certain that he had smiled at me, but then I wondered if 30 year old me would want to date someone grocery shopping at 2:30pm. No conclusion was reached. Daytime grocery shopping will have to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Eventually I will get bored of this intensely lazy way of life, but in future years I'll probably miss it.
At this point I must sign off, as I am scheduled to work. For one hour.
Fuck yeah, unproductivity.


  1. FUCK PRODUCTIVITY! I've had the shittest morning ever because achieving and doing things and learning things. Also because of dumb ass people who are not me. Ok so i got scolerships because people who want to be productive need money, so i proof of enrollment to prove that i'm busy being productive with these moneys and not at home watching trueblood with my good friends spending it on early (early) morning max runs. So i get my proof of enrolment after sitting in a line for like an hour go back to my dorm and find, ho, whats this i am only registered in 1 class, i'm a part time student studying ENGL 1080. and. nothing. else. WHAT THE FUCK! So i go back to said GIANT FUCKING LINE and wait ANOTHER FUCKING HOUR to be like "Excuse me but there seem s to be a problem and i was wondering if you could pretty please help me". And not they can't, they do't no whats going on, but its probably got to do with the math placement test i wrote. I needed a 75 because i have already taken a math calc corse, you ned a 85 if you haven't, i got a n 83. SO some shit is fucked up because the computer says i failed and dropped all my maths and sciences. SO they send me across campus and up three flights of stairs to the math offices were i have to sit and wait for the dude i need to talk to to finish ripping this girl in his office a new ass hole for being a dumb ass on her MPT. Encouraging. So once he's done with her i go in and I explain and he's all like "You took Math 31, thats a university level course, why are you even taking MATH 1000?" (the corse that i "failed" to get into and need to sign back up for) and i'm like I FUCKING KNOW! BUT I JUST WANT TO TAKE THIS FREAKING COURSE and get it done with and he's like "ya someone in the registration office didn't put math 31 on you like profile account thingy (BITCHES!!!!) but now i've put it in, BUT i can only sign you back up for the math course, you ave to go all across campus and up and down meny stairs to the Physics and then the engineering offices to get signed back up for your other classe." So i do this. I go a serch through the Physics building for the dude i need, tell him my big long sob storry get him to sign a peice of papor, make cute small talk (fuck) and leave, then i go to the giant ass engineering building across the road and try and find professor Fisher and tell him my whole sob story, insted i tell my sob story to some random ass graduate student from Kergasicstania who's working in Prof. Fisher's old office (they didn't bother changing the sign) SO i go up two floors to the right office and low and behold Mr. Fisher is out of town! YAY! But they can sign me up for one of my courses, the other however is full with a waiting list and they don't know if i can get back into it EVEN THOUGH I got up at like FIVE A CLOCK IN THE MORNING on fucking JULY FIFTEENTH to sign up for that shit and only got dropped out of it because some dumb person at their registers office didn't read my transcript close enough. SO i have to go back there at 12:30 to see gloria, supposedly she may be able to help me. SO i go BACK to the registers office get BACK in line and give over all the papers i have collected over my travels throughout our GIANT FUCKING CAMPUS so that i can get reregistered for all my courses and the guy at the desk who sent on the batshit goose chase quest in the fist place is like "So did you find out what went wrong?" and i was like yes, YOU DIDN"T FUCKING PUT THE RIGHT FUCKING INFORMATION IN MY PROFILE! but really i was like, "oh no there was just something with my MPT" because i'm a nice person and i hate people who yell at people behind desks for things that the people they work for did. ANYWAY moral of this painfully long comment: you better enjoy it.

  2. i wrote you like a 45 minet comment and posted it on this but it was like "too big" and deleted it all. i'm to lazy to write it again

    maybe later
