Mysterious disembodied legs.

Every time I walk to work, I pass a house whose occupants seem to constantly be changing. It's kind of sketchy, as rental properties tend to be. The grass is always kind of too long, and their leaves are never raked, sidewalk shoveled only occasionally (depending on who lives there at the time!) and it seems to contain an endless supply of 30 year old dudes in their underwear. Not in the good way.

With this image in mind, could you blame me for having a tiny heart attack every time I walk past a pickup truck and see a pair of legs with no torso attached lying in the back?!!
No. Of course you couldn't. Disembodied legs are terrifying even before one factors in the unkempt-leaves situation.

Before you get all concerned about my ghetto neighborhood and call the police (I considered it), I should explain that these legs are not, in fact, made of flesh and bone. Some dude who lives in the sketchy house seems to pour concrete for a living or something and one day he decided to step out of his boots and concrete-encrusted overalls and leave them, holding the shape of his legs, in the back of his pickup.

I have a strong suspicion he watches me from his house to see if I jump every time.
I do.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy this mans sense of humor, I feel like self supported trowser shenanigans is something i could bond with a person over. We should be friends especially since i have a class devoted entirely to concreet and he would be full of useful information.
    But he would have to have at least two pairs of pants and he would have to be wearing the other pair. I will not participate in pantless bonding, unless hilarious neighbor man is a young sexy concreet layer, terribly toned from poring all that concreet. In this situation there would be not so much chummy bonding as rape.
