Ewan McGregor, you guys.

I want him.
I want him and his motorcycle globetrotting.
I want him and his motorcycle globetrotting and his BEARD.
I want him and his motorcycle globetrotting and his BEARD and his SCOTTISH ACCENT.

What more could a girl possibly want? A bearded Scotsman who travels the world on a motorcycle? PERFECT HUSBAND. Just give me two minutes to learn to ride what is essentially half a car but without the containment provided by a roof, and we'll ride off into the sunset.

Motorcycles: Safe enough for real men.

What is it with me and beards lately? If anyone has some insight into this issue, I'd love to hear it.


  1. GOD BEARDS ARE THE FUCKING BEST! I don't know, i talk about all the time, mabye you picked it up from me. Don't ask why, just accept it. Man + beard = SEXIER MAN (this is a tad bit of a generalization, it kind of depends on the beard). SILL. BEARDS!!! They are pretty much the reason i moved to newfoundland.
