The Badass Playlist: Our Retired Explorer.

I'm not sure when or why I started listening to The Weakerthans, but they'll always remind me of high school. Walking to school in the snow before my friend Sydney had a car, or on days she slept through first period. 

The singer used to be in Propagandhi, but I definitely prefer this band. Something about people screaming about anarchy and veganism grates on the nerves after a while. 

 I've mentioned it before, but I do find that Canadian artists are really visual. It's really obvious in this song, where the lyrics are basically descriptions of nature meant to go with the "retired explorer" vibe of the thing. Once you get used to the singer's voice (it took me a bit), the lyrics are pretty excellent to any song by this band.

Not going to lie to you, my favourite part of this is "Comment allez-vous ce soir?/ Je suis comme ci comme รงa/ Yes, a penguin taught me French / Back in Antarctica", because French penguins would be adorable.

If you like this song, look into the band! A couple of my favourites are "The Reasons", "Plea From a Cat Named Virtute" and "One Great City", but I can't think of one I don't like.

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