The Badass Playlist: Sheep Go To Heaven.

Let's talk about Cake. I wanted to give it to you. I wanted to post the creepy video for this song. Really, I did!
But then... then youtube showed me this incredibly adorable cover, and I decided to provide you with that instead.

I love this song. Possibly because I'm a goat and it's nice to know there are others who are managing to not fail miserably at all things. Also it makes me think of that bit someone said about to going to hell for the company.. I'll look up what it is that I'm thinking of, exactly.

"Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company."
That's what it was.

I hope there's an afterlife, because I will punch ethereal(/demonic, as the case may be) bitches in the throats in order to get in touch with Mark Twain. 
Have you seen the mustache he was rocking, for one thing? That there is a man.

But back on the topic of this song! The man doing the cover is Lisa's future husband, and I will make that happen by whatever means necessary. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. love this song. so much. and give my best to mark twain :P
