
So. Ill.
I want to puke everywhere. Anyone have suggestions for nausea cures? Pepto Bismol just isn't doing it for me anymore.
Also.. How are nausea and upset stomach different?
What about heartburn and indigestion?
The only unique symptom on that list is diarrhea, and I have an inkling that it's only in there because people wouldn't buy a drug strictly for when they are having poo issues as readily as they would a catch-all tummy drug.
Why not just call it that? "Catch-all Tummy Cure: For when your shit's fucked up. We don't want details, bro. Just deal with that. "
Perfect. I will be a millionaire by 20.

1 comment:

  1. But they've got a little song to go along with there's and an signature unconventional colour.
