Can we just talk about how amazing Angelica Huston is?

Seriously, people, she is awesome.
I'm watching Ever After, in which Madame Angelica plays the most excellent bitch. Of all the imaginings and reimaginings of the Cinderella story, this one contains the most gut wrenchingly fabulous stepmother of them all.
I want to watch everythinng she's ever been in, hear every word she's ever spoken and bask in the glory of her raised eyebrows. If ever she were to look upon me with that deeply unimpressed expression, I would be incinerated with the pure intimidation.

You are Angelica Huston's bitch. Just accept it, as I have.


  1. You have eye brow power envy don't you. You wish you could study at the Angelica Huston School of eyebrow domination. It exists, im sure of it.

  2. For some weird reason she makes me think of Frances de la Tour, they look very different and they don't play the same kind of parts at all, but there connected in my brain. Any way, Frances de la Tour = also totaly awesome

  3. I love people with ridiculously perfected unimpressed faces. They are my heroes.
