My dog, you guys.

He's seriously so adorable.

Pepper is a huge advocate of snow, specifically of burrowing through it looking for hidden dog cookies. The only problem with this game is his tendency to accumulate snow all over his fluffy little body. Wet snow especially sticks to him like glue, and when he come back in the house covered in it, it globs together into these monstrous ice balls all over.
Like this poor bastard. But smaller.
Obviously this makes him very distressed and sad, so the natural to solution is to stand him under a warm shower for five or so minutes until he's all melted and looks like a wet rat.

This dog is not Pepper, but believe me when I tell you it is an accurate representation of his morosity.

Poor puppy. I'm going to go take him for a walk so he's not too pissed off when the inevitable shower happens!

1 comment:

  1. Max used to celebrate snow by doing laps in the backyard...then tackling anyone who came outside. Try building a snowman when a dog the same size as you is trying to throw you into the snow. Pretty sure I would come in looking like Pepper lol
