The Badass Playlist: Have Love, Will Travel

This one is in honor of Lisa coming home on her birthday which is the raddest thing ever known to man. I don't know if other peoples' memories work like mine, but I have VERY SPECIFIC memories tied to every song. Sometimes lots, sometimes just one. I have a couple Lisa-centric ones for this particular song.

This song is a cover to begin with, and it's been covered many times after this recording, but to me it's the definitive version. It's physically impossible to listen to for even 5 seconds without dancing, it's got a sax solo. (You know sax is all boys are after these days.) It was in Rocknrolla. Which I just learned a few seconds ago BUT TOTALLY ADDS TO THE AWESOME.

It is probably the one of the most oft-played songs on my ipod thanks to last summer, along with a few Bowie songs that are extremely danceable and were in A Knight's Tale.
Really, what's better than a song that reminds you of driving around with a dear friend? Nothing.
Especially if that friend is as big a fan of seat-dancing and dangerous hair-whipping as oneself.

I need to go find my ipod. Like now. =/


  1. I TOTALLY WATCHED A KNIGHTS TALE ON TELEVISION TODAY...and my grandma had no idea what movie it was. I couldn't believe it! There are many songs of driving around with people, but I'm afraid I don't share your love of hair whipping like Lisa does.

    SO MUCH.
