Apology Hot Man.

It's been a really long time since I've posted! This is primarily due to me being boring and not thinking up anything funny, but now I will soldier on!
As an apology, I give you this:

In case you need more convincing of the awesome, other than the video itself, I will provide.

  • Tom Jones.
  • Tom Jones covering a Three Dog Night song.
  • After further investigation, I can verify that this guy is English, has Italian grandparents, is tall, and enjoys Nintendo.  (So I had some free time. Sue me.)
  • He's also really quite talented with animation and things if you feel like watching his other videos. The internet is a black hole.

Anyway, hope you forgive my absence. We'll be seeing more of each other, I swear.  <3

1 comment:

  1. i had to watch this video twice before I could comment. We seriously need a guy that we can ask WHY!! WHY DO YOU WEAR YOUR PANTS SOOO LOW...and how can you dance like that without them falling down or you falling over?? but i must admit next time I blow dry my hair, I will pretend it's the wind and that I am a model/superwoman.
