The Man List: Brad Mo'Effing Pitt.

Why? Bitch, do not question me. You watched Thelma and Louise... and Troy... and Fight Club...
Basically every movie he is in involves him being ridiculously sexy. 

The 90s was a decade full of lucky bitches who got to enjoy him in his prime. Mmmm, Thelma and Louise. ...Fortunately, he also makes a hot dad. 

Which leads me to: He likes kids a lot. Has like 50 of them with some bitch I’ve never heard of. Everyone knows that Hot Man + Baby = HOTTER Man. 

Really, the question is: Why the fuck not? There is not one single (non-sketchy-facial-hair-related) reason.

This picture is lol. But I'd still hit it, given the chance.

This might not be the best example photo but it made me laugh, so...

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