
Today, I went to the library. I left with one book, and without 30 of the dollars I had previously possessed. How do people accumulate such fines? It's something of an art. A perfect storm of laziness, absence of memory, and procrastination, in my experience.

After being lightly scolded by an unusually kind librarian, I went to pick up some milk for my parents at Superstore, which was closing in 15 minutes. Being the badass I am, I had completed my task in 4 minutes flat. Being the ridiculously polite person I am, I ended up spending LITERALLY HOURS talking to the welcome guy at the front gate.

Don't get me wrong, he seems to be a lovely man. He seems to be somewhere between 25 and 30-something, extremely polite and very easy to talk to (evidently), but is two hours not an excessive amount of time to spend talking to a stranger? 

Something about the encounter made me slightly uncomfortable. Not the man himself, mind you, just the whole situation. Talking to a strange man who is not my age in a parking lot of a closed grocery store at night? HORRIBLE PLAN. Anyone will tell you that! Every time I reminded myself of this, however, the conversation turned to something interesting like the difference between Quebec French and what he called "true" French, or the challenges of being a black French man (which he is) and I lost track of time again.

He asked me out, kind of? I thought he may have been? He said "May I ask you away from here?" which is kind of vague.
I told him how old I am and said no.
He laughed, and said that was okay, he hoped to be my friend.
I was noncommittal. 

So, on one hand: Kind of sketchy in terms of appropriateness. 
On the other hand: He seemed to just genuinely like talking to me, and be in search of some help with his English.

How can a seventeen year old girl be "friends" with a 30-something French dude?
Is that weird? I feel like it's weird. 
Is it inappropriate for him to be asking me for  my phone number? (I declined.) I feel like it is.

I can see hanging out with him a few times, but ... we seem to be in such different demographics that a long term friendship of any sort isn't really feasible.  

This time of life is an awkward phase. I'm done high school, but I'm still wearing braces. I'll be able to vote soon, but I live at home with my parents and plan to until after university. I'm a kid who knows nothing about the adult world, suddenly thrown into it headfirst, greeted by a tall French guy whose second job is smiling at people as they come in to grocery shop.

Seriously world, wtf.

The Man List: Ryan Gosling

He's probably thinking about social justice right now. 

Think back, if you will, to the evening we spent watching a movie in which he does chin-ups. Remember? I thought so. In fact, I'm willing to bet it's the only thing you remember about that movie at all.

Here he is rowing a boat. Don’t pretend like it matters why- I’m not. I’m envisioning boat-sex. Don’t judge.

Tall + Beardy +Smart + Talented + Cares About Shit + Canadian= Crazy Delicious.

Oh, and he campaigned for Obama in 2008, in case you're interested in DAMN FINE DEMOCRATS.

Mmm. Guava.

Here he is drinking a smoothie intensely and walking. Suddenly, these seem like really fucking sexy activities. Fuck yeeaaaahhhh bicepsssss...

Check out , it makes me chuckle.

The Man List: Ryan Reynolds

“Oh, hey there. You seem to have caught me unawares, on a beach without my sexy-as-all-fuck t-shirt. Know what I want to do when I’m surprised? Have hot sex. And crack jokes, but mostly the first one. Cool?”


The Man List: Colin "Sexy Beast" Farrell


  • Eyebrows. Manly eyebrows make me instantly horny. 
  • Look at the freaking puppy-dog eyes in the picture below. Those get me hot every time. It goes: him looking at me, me looking at him, vaporization of pants. It’s a great sequence of events. 
  • I kind of just love this picture a lot.
  • All this clothing is wearing me out. Know what’s refreshing? Sex. =D

The Man List: Brad Mo'Effing Pitt.

Why? Bitch, do not question me. You watched Thelma and Louise... and Troy... and Fight Club...
Basically every movie he is in involves him being ridiculously sexy. 

The 90s was a decade full of lucky bitches who got to enjoy him in his prime. Mmmm, Thelma and Louise. ...Fortunately, he also makes a hot dad. 

Which leads me to: He likes kids a lot. Has like 50 of them with some bitch I’ve never heard of. Everyone knows that Hot Man + Baby = HOTTER Man. 

Really, the question is: Why the fuck not? There is not one single (non-sketchy-facial-hair-related) reason.

This picture is lol. But I'd still hit it, given the chance.

This might not be the best example photo but it made me laugh, so...


Welcome to the inside of my brain. Using this blog you will be able to get your dose of me even when I'm far from you and unable to deafen you with my endless chatter. Please don't think just because this is written rather than blurted it will be any more poignant than usual. Enjoy!