
The birds are back! I heard them! Outside! This is fabulous!
As long as their little birdy instincts are correct, spring is on the way. Of course it's possible that these particular little birds stayed here all winter, or that they are deluded birds destined to freeze to death. I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE THAT IT IS SPRING, STARTING NOW.


I'm going to devote myself to becoming the most useful person in a zombie apocalypse.
First, guns. Lots of guns.
Then, survival in the wilderness of Canada. Edible plants, how to kill and clean an animal for eating, etc.
More guns.
Land surveying. I'd need to know how to build an awesome log cabin, and where to do this. High ground, but near water...
Fire building.
Enough agriculture for survival. I'll need to stockpile seeds and learn to garden.
And perhaps a few more guns.

I need to watch The Walking Dead all the way through. It was on tv as a marathon, but I forgot to tape it.


Everyone's heard that March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb. I've caught myself saying it during the requisite Canadian discussions of winter, just as some chatter to make sure my jaws haven't frozen shut.
I've even heard it like a prediction. IF March comes in like a lion, then it WILL go out like a lamb. That, however, makes no damn sense. It's not as if the saying can be accurate to every region where people say it.  It's all fucking winter around here, isn't it?
Anyway, since March has arrived like one sadistic Arctic lion, I've decided to monitor how it plays out. Maybe the saying applies to Alberta some years.

Now, a monkey.
All I want is the context of this photo. 

The Badass Playlist: Islands In The Stream

This is the most-played song on my ipod. It's on my going-to-sleep playlist, for one thing, and it's my default pick-me-up. It doesn't seem like a really perky song, but when I'm in a funk nothing pulls me out of it like awesome Canadians covering popular country duets. (Admittedly it's a small category of music.)
After this song I feel like I've just had a long soak in a hot bath.

I don't think I've featured any of the Constantines songs on the playlist, but there are a few. Just you wait. More of this manly voice to come.