Can't spell "avoidance" without "DANCE" =D

I'm writing a cover letter right now (or pretending to for the sake of my poor, under-appreciated mother) and it's SO. DIFFICULT. How do people get jobs?! Seriously, mine was offered to me at random by a lady who knew my mom. I've never successfully applied for one. Do you have tips? Nepotism is out this time, sadly. I know, I know, that was my initial plan as well.

Ok, so instead of getting sad and anxious about WHETHER OR NOT I WILL EVER BE EMPLOYED ENOUGH TO SUPPORT MYSELF AUUGGHHHH OMG OMG OMG, I'm going to groove.


Reminds me of my mom.  =D

The Anti-Man List: Jonathan Rhys Myers.

The man is scary looking. Generally I am a praise-giver but this time I can't get my objectification on at all. Yeurgh.
My adverse reaction could be to this particular picture. More likely, though, it's due to the fact that HE LOOKS LIKE HE WANTS TO ATTACK ME WITH A HOT VAT OF MASSAGE OIL AND METH.

Seen here: Not working for me.

If I ran into this man in a dark alley, I'd run far and fast in the opposite direction, is what I'm saying. And let's not ignore the gross abuse of facial hair seen above. If you can mess up a basic moustache and chin stubble THAT BADLY (hint: they are not to be combined), there is something up with you and I cannot endorse your face. Fact.

Ok, I just read that he had to be hospitalized this summer and has had addiction problems, so now I feel bad.
Best wishes to you, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. Get better.